Like science fiction, fantasy is one of those very self-contained genres with its own tropes and types of language and characters. It’s a genre one doesn’t just pick up like mysteries or thrillers, or straight literary novels, because it’s very much its own type of thing. So, if one was going to pick up the fantasy genre, what would be good novels to start with? Here are a few.
The Sword Of Shannara by Terry Brooks.
Terry Brooks has been criticized for making his novel too much like “Lord of the Rings”, but his first novel “The Sword of Shannara” is still a really good starter novel for those who want to read fantasy. While “Lord of the Rings” is the golden standard of the epic fantasy genre, “The Sword of Shannara” is considered a classic as well. It’s similar in scope and the idea of a band of misfits going towards a magic item is like “Lord of the Rings” , but Brooks is a lot more readable than J.R.R. Tolkien, in a lot of ways. The story follows brothers Flick and Shea as they are entrusted to find a magic sword by a druid named Allanon. What follows is an adventure with battles and different types of magical creatures they meet along the way.There’s a reason this novel was the first ever fantasy ever to appear on the New York Times bestseller list, and that is the very readable and clear writing of Terry Brooks.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling
Millions upon millions of kids have been brought into the fantasy world by J.K. Rowling and her debut novel. Like Brooks, Rowling has a very clear and readable writing style which makes her books accessible for those who haven’t been inducted into the world of fantasy yet. Like Brooks, her premise isn’t the most original but she does it well and makes it her own. Something you will find in the fantasy genre is repeating tropes, like a merry band of misfits walking towards a magic item or in Rowling's case, a magic school. Millions of kids have been enchanted with the world of Harry, Hermione and Ron and like Brooks, will likely want to read all the sequels as well. Rowling tells a compelling story in her first book of discovering who you are, and finding a world you belong in.
The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman
Magic kids and chosen ones is a true and classic trope of the fantasy genre, and The Golden Compass, the beginning of a trilogy, is no exception. Following Lara, a young orphan who lives in the halls of Oxford, in an alternative universe, Pullman’s classic fantasy novel is a perfect introduction to those who want to be introduced to more complex fantasy after reading the likes of Potter and Shannara. “The Golden Compass” deals with themes of religion, science and finding out where you are from. With a more complicated premise than a merry band looking for a magic object or going to a magic school, “The Golden Compass”, which kicks off the “His Dark Materials” trilogy, is a complex but readable adventure for fantasy readers of all ages. Also, it’s an introduction to a subgenre as well, called Steampunk, which incorporates modern technology and Victorian elements in the setting.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan
Percy Jackson is the story of a boy who finds he is half Greek God. What makes Percy Jackson unique isn’t so much the setting, which is basically a magic camp instead of a magic school, but the fact it replaces magic with mythology. So why is this a fantasy novel you might ask? Well, it has many of the elements found in traditional fantasy novels, including Percy being a chosen one, magic like powers and a battle between good and evil. As well as a ton of sequels. Also unique is this series isn’t classified as YA or epic adult fantasy, but a straight MG series, which means it’s middle grade, and written with younger readers in mind. However, adults can read it too, as it’s a very enjoyable fantasy series.
So here are some fantasy novels to start with. They are fun and engaging reads, with elements of magic you won’t find in the real world, which makes them such fun to read. Next week I will talk about introducing yourself to the science fiction world.